Apple’s Green Data Center Project Causes Distress among Locals
According to reports, Apple decision to invest in solar farm and fuel cell installation to provide power to their massive data center which is being constructed in Maiden, N.C was positively received by the industry. Though it is an impressive project, this project is causing a lot of distress to the locals. Zelda Vosburgh’s back yard runs right up to the solar farm. According to her, she has endured a lot during the construction of the eco friendly project and can’t wait for it to be finished.
“When we get a storm or the wind blows bad this whole place turns into nothing but dust in the air. You can see it flying everywhere,” Vosburgh said.
Trevor Wilson said it’s not the dust but the noise he’s noticed the most near his parent’s home in Maiden. On Monday, crews were working to install the rows of supports needed for the solar panels. “It is like beating of drums, but metal. Like banging pots together over and over, “Wilson said.
On the bright side, this project has proved fruitful for Randy Rush’s appliance business.
“I’ve got a couple people who stop a week and ask what they’re doing and most of the time of they stop they buy something, so it’s been good, ” Rush said.
Pastor William Painter’s church sits right next to the data center and commends Apple for trying to help the environment. “It’s great that they’re using the solar power. We need more of that around. Cleaner power sources,” Painter said.
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