Managed Dedicated Hosting

What is Managed Hosting?

A “managed” hosting plan offers customers additional support for their hosting infrastructure, at an additional cost. Managed services include monitoring service, maintenance of operating system updates, response to security threats and assistance in diagnosing performance anomalies. If a managed server is broken into by hackers or a service is degraded due to software bugs, it’s the hosting provider’s responsibility to fix the problem and restore service.

The “depth” and costs of available managed services vary widely by provider and customer.

Who Can Opt For Managed Hosing?

A simple, stable architecture using commodity open-source components like Apache, PHP and MySQL often has little need for managed services – the hosting customer can handle all maintenance internally, or hire their own resources at low cost when special needs arise.

On the other hand, customers with highly complex infrastructures will often benefit from the availability of managed services. For example, a large organization which uses expensive proprietary components such as SAP or Oracle (and in particular the requirement to comply with operational and security standards like ITIL or Sarbanes-Oxley) can select managed service options to maintain their infrastructure, reducing maintenance costs. Rather than paying internal specialists to develop and maintain systems, a managed services provider (MSP) can meet these needs on an “on-demand” basis, at much lower cost.


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